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What is the Wake Soil and Water Conservation District?


The Wake Soil and Water Conservation District assists landowners and land users in managing soil, water, plants and wildlife effectively. In addition to dedicated technical assistance, financial assistance is also provided through state and federal cost share programs to support the implementation of best management practices (BMPs) to protect the land of Wake County and all that it supports. 


We think of Wake County being urban, but you may be surprised at the amount of agricultural land that still exists across the county.  The Soil and Water Conservation District staff works tirelessly in the interests of 691 farms and over 77,000 acres of farmland in Wake County. 


The mission of the Wake Soil & Water Conservation District is to protect the natural resources of Wake County through voluntary technical, educational and funding assistance to citizens, businesses, communities, municipalities and partners.


The proposed budget for FY 2022-2023 is $30,670 and may be viewed here


North Carolina Soil and Water Conservation Districts


Under NC General Statute 139, Soil and Water Conservation Districts are organized as governmental subdivisions of the state, as well as independent political units. Districts work closely with county, state and federal governments and both public and private organizations in a non-regulatory capacity to carry out a comprehensive conservation program that protects and improves the county's natural resources while assisting private landowners in using conservation practices. This partnership has been the backbone of highly successful efforts over 75 years to address serious problems across the state including soil erosion, flood damage and water quality problems.


A district is governed by a five-member board of supervisors. Three supervisors are elected on the general ballot as non-partisan candidates during the regular election of county officers, and two are appointed by the NC Soil and Water Conservation Commission upon recommendation of the local district board of supervisors.


Want to learn more about the Wake Soil & Water Conservation District?



Adapted from the Wake Soil & Water Conservation District website.

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