There will never be enough words to thank those who have supported and encouraged me. From being at the polls, I know many of you shared with friends about this race and about me as a candidate.
I look forward to serving as a Wake Soil & Water Conservation District Supervisor. Thank you for believing in a first time candidate that’s passionate about agriculture and natural resources.
Thank you, Wake County for taking the time to #flipyourballotandvotebeth
Meet Beth Pugh Farrell
Growing up on my grandparents’ farms in Alleghany County, I saw first-hand the importance of the efforts of the local Soil and Water Conservation District. The voluntary cost-share programs provided by the District make it economically feasible for landowners and farmers to implement conservation efforts. These efforts may otherwise be cost prohibitive. Additionally, the educational activities make a difference in understanding conservation practices.
As a student at Piney Creek Elementary School, I participated in events sponsored by the Alleghany Soil & Water Conservation District including poster contests, essay contests, and speech contests. These activities gave me a better understanding at a young age the importance of conservation practices.
As a high school student, the District sponsored me to attend the annual N.C. Resource Conservation Workshop at NC State. At this weeklong event, I was exposed to urban conservation efforts for the first time.
I received my Bachelor of Science in Animal Science and a minor in Poultry Science from NC State University. Even though I didn't return to the family farm, my career has been dedicated to providing opportunities to youth as a Development Officer for the NC 4-H Development Fund and enhancing our state's #1 industry as an Agricultural Programs Specialist at the NC Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services.
Additionally, my husband, Kevin, and I own and operate Pack House Farm, a small
pick-your-own blueberry and heirloom blackberry farm in Apex.
Most importantly, I understand the unique nature of Wake County being a growing urban area and support urban soil and water conservation projects. Being a small farmer and a member of the Junior League of Raleigh, I know many of the challenges facing Wake County land resources and our citizens.
I also have a deep understanding of the importance of ensuring that the over 77,000 acres (an acre is roughly the size of a football field) of farmland in the county stays productive. I sincerely appreciate farms of all sizes and believe all should have the chance to remain in operation and be economically viable.